Heard about this app on a Giants broadcast during a rain delay. They said it was great. We checked it out and totally agree. Cant say enough about how accurate and good this is.
Heard about this app on a Giants broadcast during a rain delay. They said it was great. We checked it out and totally agree. Cant say enough about how accurate and good this is.
This app is fascinatingly accurate. I live in an area where the weather is very temperamental, and can drastically change from one extreme to another in no time. And the timeframe has always been unpredictable. But no longer is unpredictability entirely true with this app
Pretty accurate most of the time, may be off a little at times but thats because it doesnt take in the wind conditions I think, but I always check out the imagery and go by it, and see how the wind is blowing, but its still a great app.
Fine app with great potential. GUI could use some improvement -- font needlessly tiny on forecast screen. Also, notifications (i.e., Dark Sky) could turn Rain Aware into a "must have" app.
I like using this app. Its quick, and accurate.
No app is perfect. But this one is a lot of fun to use. I havent been using it long, but got it just before the rain showed up at my house and got the bird seed wet. Besides, it has to be a good app if the New York Yankees radio broadcasters use it to warn them of wet weather!
I cant believe how accurate it is with the rain.
My boss who is from Florida recommended me to pick this up. Ive had a wonderful experience with it this far. My real question is, being from Minnesota, will it continue to be useful in the months ahead. After all... Winter is coming!
Excellent weather app that pinpoints the forecast to your exact location. Also has a nice feature that allows user to save and switch to multiple favorite locations. Worth the price.
This rain app is spot on!
great app i mow on a golf course and it is so very accurate
App is useless for international locations.
Wonderful app. Pretty accurate. However, it needs a notification option.
This is the best rain app out there! It is very, very accurate. It also updates very quickly with new rain times and percentages. Highly recommend.
I keep recommending it as my go-to app! Woke the other morning to rain. My dog needed to go out but she hates rain. RainAware told me it was going to stop in 18 mins so it was safe for my dog to wait.
It is simply a great app which, I have found, is remarkably accurate. I use it to confirm what my a achey body usually can feel when weather is approaching and for how long.
Lov the app! Its great keeps the kid dry and the adult happy!
Really a great app for checking radar and the forecast
One thing that I have found is that the radar imagery is more accurate than the weather radars published by the local TV stations. TV stations over hype the intensity of the rain fall. This app is more accurate at predicting intensities. The timeline is accurate at times, but the algorithm seems too simplified for predicting sliding rain fronts. Biggest drawback is the lack of a detailed background map and the ability to zoom out to the whole country. Thus this app is a nice second-source but not a replacement for the free local news weather app.
The graphics are right on. The rain times are 50/50, yesterday I was looking at clear blue sky and it said "rain ending in 15 minutes". Clear sky all day, this is not unusual