Did not say in the details its US only
Did not say in the details its US only
Tells you a lot about rain and such. Accurate majority of the time. The detail they provide is
So far this app kicks butt when it comes to accuracy in predicting times and amounts of rainfall from whatever location I have chosen.
Not only is this the best rain prediction app that Ive ever used but it offers something that Ive never seen in any other weather app before. First off, most weather apps will give you an hourly forecast, some will even give you a resolution of 15 minutes but thats about it. Rain aware has a resolution of 5 minutes and I have found it to be very accurate. You might wonder what the big deal is. The big deal is that not only will it give you a chance of precipitation in 5 minute increments but it also tells you HOW SEVERE the rain will be in 5 minute increments. Ive not seen that offered by any other weather service, at least not to this degree of accuracy and ease of use. It is very easy to read and understand. At a glance you instantly know how heavy the rain is likely to be and how strong that estimation is (how confident the app is with its estimate). I also love how you can tune the app to be very extremely sensitive if you are concerned about the lightest sprinkle, or not if you only care about substantial precipitation and dont want any false alarms. It does this by letting you adjust 3 key parameters, those parameters are precipitation intensity, confidence, and clutter filtering. Last summer during a 4 day period every single tv weather station was warning us of severe thunderstorms, heavy rain, microbursts, and tornadoes. Rain aware predicted very light rain and that is what we got, light rain. It was more accurate than the combined predictions of 3 local weather channels, and the two weather websites that I happened to check. RAIN AWARE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AND IS DEFINITELY WORTH THE MONEY.
Excellent update! This great app is better than ever.
This app has been very accurate for me. + radar images load quickly and are usually only a minute old + accurate for me here in the Minneapolis area + you can adjust the clutter (and other things) filtering to better fit your area + I can see the rain prediction by time and intensity via a couple display options. - closest weather station to my home is 19 miles (doesnt seem to affect anything other than current conditions being a bit off).
Very hit or miss. Says it is raining outside. No clouds in sight. Not reliable at all. 1 star
This app has been extremely valuable for residential construction and letting the guys know when rain is imminent.
Love the last update! What I like so much about this app is its simple and easy to use. But more important is its very accurate. Im a certified storm spotter and this is one of my "go to" app when storms are in the area.
This app is incredible. It has been Extremely accurate for me and my friends. Definitely my go to weather app.
I like a weather app that gets right to the point by providing information that I need. Its reliable and easy to use, and most of all its accurate.
It has limited overall information and keeps predicting imminent snow at 44 degrees. Waste of $5.
Beware—I just downloaded this and it doesnt look like its going to work outside of the United States. It wont let me select a location outside the country.
Data is very specific and current. Ive owned about 20 weather apps, and this one is by far the best. To the developers: Great work!
This app continues to improve. The 7 day forecast is much easier to view. I especially like that it shows the night temp separately. When other apps just show the low for a day, there is nothing that indicates the low is for the early morning or the coming night. They just show a low to happen some time in that 24 hours. This app does it better.
Seems to be hit and miss with This app. Its raining right now and it says no rain in sight. I have the settings at the lowest settings for detection. AccuWeather is a lot more accurate and its free. Save your money...
Not accurate and frequently out of service.
I find it accurate and useful here in the pnw where we know rain. I am happy to have it.
Main screen commonly contradicts what the forecast section says, rendering app rather useless.
This to me was the biggest waste of money I very much regret purchasing. Many times it was pouring rain out and the app would say no rain in site for the next 3 hours. I can understand this happening MAYBE occasionally but it was more the rule than the exception. Sorry to say stay away save your money.